Peter Dolan
Peter graduated in geology from Southampton University in the UK in 1965. He emigrated to Canada and worked for Mobil before transferring to Libya in 1969. After a 3-year break to do a PhD at U.C.L London studying modern Caribbean carbonates (during which time he met Ed Purdy), he returned to Mobil in Indonesia until 1974. Then started the long slide down scale. He worked for Premier in London for 2 years before striking out on his own. He then spent 20 years trying to support a growing family by consulting on many projects worldwide under the monikers of Dolan & Associates, JEBCO, Ikon Science, IKODA and finally Troy Ikoda, in all of which he was a ‘principal’. Eventually, Peter couldn’t resist the temptation of taking equity in exploration projects and became a founder shareholder of Fusion Oil & Gas. When that fell into the maw of Sterling Energy, he and others started again with Ophir Energy. Peter’s current business interests, all as a founder shareholder, and variously as a director or advisor, are in Ophir, Ikon Science, Neon Energy, Hanno Resources (a start up mining exploration venture) and, last but not least, Real Ale Limited.